How to Make Your Dream Vacation a Reality

Zanzibar dream vacation destination
Zanzibar, a Tanzanian archipelago

So much of the fun of going on vacation is in the anticipation and planning. Maybe you have a milestone anniversary or a major birthday on the horizon? This might be your chance to finally take that dream vacation to the South Pacific or book an African Safari.

Planning dream vacations can be as simple as identifying the number one item on your bucket list and calling your travel agent. But with the entire world open to you, how do you select from a multitude of wonderful options?  

Dream Vacation Ideas

If money’s no object, an African safari is a blissful escape. The camps in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa specialize in indulgent luxury in an otherworldly setting. Sitting in the back of an African safari truck on an early-morning game drive, it may seem that you have found a slice of heaven on earth.

Many visions of far-flung travel include a trip around the world. A world cruise is a dream come true for many travelers. With the comfort of a familiar cabin and restaurants, you’ll visit many of the world’s best-loved tourist attractions.  All the fun of world travel, without the hassle–what could be better?

Many couples daydream of taking a second honeymoon. Popular destinations in the idyllic South Pacific are overwater lagoon resorts and spas. You can step into a screen-saver picture by booking a villa in Tahiti or Bora Bora. With posh bungalow hotels and the finest French dining in the South Pacific, you’re up for a first-class dream vacation.

Also read: 
• The 10 Best Tropical Vacation Spots with Travel Guide Videos
• Travel Insurance for All-Inclusive Resort Vacations

But, dream vacations don’t have to cost a fortune. Many of earth’s finest treasures have been protected by UNESCO or National Monument status. The American National Parks are some of the best places on earth to climb, hike, paddle or swim and the admission costs are quite low. Your world travel adventures can be realized in nearby destinations like Zion, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon.

Watch out for scams. If you’re notified that you’re the “lucky winner” of a free cruise – tread carefully! The Internet is rife with double-dealing merchants who are out for your hard-earned cash.

The most important part of making your dream vacation a reality is to take the time to plan it and really make a point to use all of your vacation time off from work. Try celebrating National Plan for Vacation Day, which happens each year in January, and use the day to start scratching destinations off your bucket list.

For many, the dreamiest part of their vacation is being treated like a special guest. The formality and extravagance of a five-diamond resort may be the culmination of a long-held reverie. But for others, an arduous trek to a mountaintop may be the pinnacle of dream-catching. 

Whether your world travel wish-list includes an African safari, world cruise or a sunrise hike, pluck your dream vacation out of your slumber and put it on your calendar! And don’t forget to protect your dream vacation with a travel insurance plan from Generali Global Assistance.

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