Spring into Travel and Reconnect with the World Around You

No matter their culture or belief system, people worldwide celebrate spring as a time of renewal … and boy are we in need of some renewal. And a good trip is just what is needed to feel fresh and reconnect.

Though there are parts of the world that remain off-limits, the rest of the world is opening back up like a tulip, practically begging you to partake and enjoy.

There might be some trepidation on your part; that’s natural. It’s been a while since you felt this able to move about without too many restrictions weighing you down. However, spring is the time to take the plunge and travel again.

Here are some suggestions to guide you on your path to renewal through travel.

Start small.

We’re assuming you’re road-tripped out, so how about a cruise? The Caribbean is wide open, and while it’s a touch cold for an Inside Passage cruise, there’s nothing to stop you from planning a cruise up the British Columbia Coast to Alaska or maybe a river cruise down the Mississippi.

Cruises, especially shorter ones on smaller ships that don’t venture too far afield, are a great way to reconnect with friends or extended family. They offer plenty of options for curious and reticent travelers, and they take you to some wonderful places.

Cruises are good way to get your feet wet again in the travel pool.

Also read: 6 Ranch Getaways for a Real Western Vacation

Get the gang together.

It’s not often that ads truly hit home, but the recent ones about choosing experiences over stuff totally nail the sentiment.

Family and friends have never been more valuable or more dear to us than they’ve been the last couple of years – so celebrate that! Bring those closest to you, close to you … in person.

Without getting too philosophical, we’ve all learned a couple lessons about how time and life are fleeting. It’s time to live out those lessons, renew old connections, put the band back together, and take it out on the road.

As noted previously, if not now, then when?

Also read: 7 Questions to Ask to Find the Best Family Travel Insurance

Rent a vacation home … internationally.

By now we all know the wonders of vacation rentals – great for families and friends, cost-effective, home away from home, and so forth. We’ve probably all partaken of a rental or two over the last several years.

However, now it’s time to up the ante. Pick a more exotic destination and rent a property there. Hawaii isn’t good enough; force yourself to think internationally.

Where might you wind up? Copenhagen? Tasmania? Jaipur? Buenos Aires? It’s totally up to you. But by combining the cocooning aspects of a vacation rental with the requirement to look internationally, you’re breaking yourself out of your rut without totally ditching the security blanket.

See how our vacation rental travel insurance works

Review the bucket list.

We’ve all been in survival mode for quite some time. Now’s the time to dust off that bucket list and see what it says about travel.

You wouldn’t be alone if you did this. Amadeus is seeing a major uptick in searches for epic destinations like Petra and Tanzania, but maybe a safari doesn’t have the same resonance it did a couple of years ago. Maybe it’s a trip to Antarctica or Machu Picchu.

Regardless, you’re not getting any younger and travel isn’t getting less challenging – and more than ever you need that special renewal only travel can provide. If not now, then when?

Also read: 4 Reasons Why Travel Insurance Is a Must for Expensive Trips

Don’t stop at one.

Renewal takes many forms – physical, emotional, and spiritual. One trip may not supply all three forms of renewal. So difficult as it may be, you may have to take several trips to get completely renewed.

Just the simple act of deciding which of your needs should be satisfied first through travel is a process of self-discovery, and a great thing. From there it only gets better.

You may opt for one big trip that nails the Julia Roberts’ golden trio (a/k/a eat, pray, love), or you may decide that you need several trips to recenter.

But whatever decision you make, choosing is a marvelous first step.

Read about more popular destinations

Buy travel insurance.

Fully re-entering the whole wide world can cause some trepidation, but above all, you want everything to go well. Well, this is life, and life is not perfect. Catastrophic events and mishaps can cast a pall over your travels.

The best you can do to plan for unexpected travel disasters is to get travel insurance for your trip. Our plans give you the peace of mind you need to make all of your journeys renewing and fulfilling.


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