Countries that Require Travel Insurance for COVID-19 and More

Last confirmed June 1, 2023

See our COVID-19 Travel Insurance Guide

Travel insurance isn’t just the smart thing to do. A surprising number of countries – more since the COVID-19 pandemic – require visitors to supply proof of travel insurance to be allowed in. And knowing the countries that require travel insurance before you travel can save you a lot of headaches down the road.

Countries that Require Travel Insurance

  • Antarctica – Medical coverage is mandatory to travel to Antarctica, the only continent on this list, but the coverage level requirements depend on the tour company. Our Preferred and Premium plans generally meet these requirements.

  • Bhutan - Requires travel insurance valid for the duration of the trip in order to obtain a visa.

  • Ecuador – Requires all visitors to have health insurance that will cover them in Ecuador.

  • Thailand - Some visitors may require a health insurance policy with an insured amount of at least $10,000 covering treatment for COVID-19 and coverage for an additional seven days’ stay if diagnosed with COVID-19. This is only mandatory for those traveling from or to countries that require a negative COVID test for entry.

  • Turkey – Medical insurance that will cover you in Turkey is required to acquire a visa to enter the country, and U.S. citizens need a visa.

  • United Arab Emirates – U.S. residents need proof of travel insurance in order to stay in the country for more than 30 days and depending on where you travel, such as Dubai, you may need a certain amount of travel insurance medical coverage.

  • Uruguay - All visitors must have health insurance coverage that is valid in the country.

  • Vietnam - Proof of valid travel medical insurance that covers COVID-19 treatment up to a minimum of $10,000.

This list can change fairly frequently, so we’ll be updating it on a regular basis. Consider this general information – it is NOT intended for legal reference. Each country has its own specific regulations on what plans meet their requirements and what counts as proof of insurance. We cannot guarantee Generali travel insurance plans will meet those requirements in all cases. We have not listed destinations that require travelers to purchase insurance from a specific company because Generali travel insurance plans do not fulfill those requirements.

A lot of great destinations require travel insurance, so if you’re making them a part of your post-pandemic travel plans, get a travel insurance quote today.

Why Do Countries Require Travel Insurance?

The countries that require travel insurance can be divided into:

1. The countries where some form of travel insurance is normally mandatory

2. The countries that require travel insurance because of the COVID-19 pandemic

For many countries, medical insurance that can cover visitors to the country is at the heart of the requirement. Often countries that require travel insurance provide free or nearly free healthcare. They’d prefer a visitor pay for their own healthcare, or have an insurance company pay, rather than having the medical expenses on their books, or have a traveler leave the country they traveled to without paying their medical bills.

As a result, many countries’ travel insurance requirements specify travel medical insurance, and then any other coverage you want to add on is optional.

U.S. Medicare and Medicaid do not cover medical costs overseas.

How Much Travel Medical Insurance is Enough?

It depends on the country. Generally, there’s no set dollar amount, though in most cases it’s prudent to buy as much emergency medical as your carrier allows and you can afford. In the case of Generali, you can get $250,000 of coverage for Medical and Dental and $1,000,000 of Emergency Assistance and Transportation coverage per person included with our Premium plan.

However, there are exceptions. Dubai requires $100,000 in emergency medical coverage, and travelers to Antarctica need a minimum of $100,000 in medical evacuation and emergency medical coverage.

Read more about emergency medical coverage


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